We are pleased that you are interested in our webside. We gladly share with you about our international community, our way of living, our spirituality and our apostolates. Enjoy the story of our foundation, and find out in which countries we work. Of course you can always contact us if you have further questions.
Heartily welcome!!
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood

A short video on Youtube will relate in pictures the history of the more than 125-years of our history.
Our Constitutions tell us:
„As Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood we are called to live the Pascha Mystery of Christ and to give witness of the redemptive Love of Christ.“
For us this means that we should be women of Easter, that is women who believe and live the message of hope, joy and confidence. This should become visible in our every day life through out spirit of openess and positive attitude towards life.
in the social and charitable sector, for example:
in hospitals, in outpatient nursing, in AIDS education work, in health care, as a doctor, as a psychotherapist, in the care of the poor, in nursing homes, self-help projects
in the care of refugees...
in the administrative field, for example:
in our homes, schools, boarding schools, orphanages, in secretariats, in old people's homes...
in the domestic and agricultural sector, e.g..:
in all domestic activities in own communities, in the garden and in agriculture, in family help ...
in the pastoral/spiritual area, e.g:
in the proclamation of faith, pastoral care of the sacraments, in parish work, in religious work with children, youth, adults, in catechist training, in pastoral help for the homeless, disabled, mentally handicapped people, in the pastoral care of marriage and family, in the pastoral care of the sick, in spiritual accompaniment / retreats, during days of reflection and religious weekends, in the apostolate of prayer and sacrifice especially for the elderly and sick sisters ...
in raising missionary awareness for example:
in the Evangelization, in "MaZ" - Missionaries on a Temporary Basis, in the "KBMK" - Precious Blood Missionary Circle, through missionary lectures and presentations, in the cooperation with the NAD (Netzwerk Afrika Deutschland, through the mission magazine "MMM", etc.)
in the artistic-craft area, e.g:
in art workshops for painting, in ceramic workshops, in parament workshops, in the tailoring shops, etc.