A vocation to religious life has its root in the longing for God and everyone experiences this in a very personal and unique way. It is always a happening between God and man. Vocations are many and varied. God has a plan for each of us, a specific task - a unique God-given purpose. Jesus also invites people today, like the disciples in the Gospel, to be with Him. HE sends them to make the message of God's love for all people visible through their own lives.
Religious Formation as Missionary Sister of the Precious Blood
The way to our community is a:
- Way to God
- Way to oneself
- Way into the community
- Way into the spirituality of our community
- Way to the people
Preparation period:
During this time, the woman interested in joining our community gets to know our community and congregation through visits, talks, days of reflection, personal accompaniment, etc. She learns to develop her faith and prayer life, and to sense more fully the call of God in her life.
Requirements for entry:
- Member of the Catholic Church
- Not older than 35 years (with exception)
- A high school diploma, vocational training or a university degree is desirable
- The desire to actively participate in the parish life of a parish or a group
- Interest in missionary work and social commitment
- Good physical and mental health
- To be on the "search for God"
The first phase of actual religious formation is the postulancy.
It is a time of getting to know the community and the Congregation more intensely. The postulant is guided
- to deepen her life of faith and prayer,
- to consolidate her personal vocation,
- to examine her capacity for community life,
- to become more familiar with the Congregation, its many apostolates, and the visions of our founders, Abbot Franz Pfanner and Mother Paula Emunds.
The next step is the novitiate - it lasts two years. During this time of spiritual formation, the novice learns to deepen her relationship with Christ
- through prayer,
- Work,
- Acquisition of theological knowledge, ecclesiastical and religious documents,
- community life and charitable outreach
and to identify with the charism of the Congregation, to live according to the evangelical counsels, and to grow into full and free devotion to God.
First Profession:
At First Profession, the novice commits herself to God and the Congregation by taking vows of celibate chastity, poverty and obedience, thus becoming a Missionary Sister of the Precious Blood. At First Profession, she also receives her mission.
Perpetual Profession:
In another five years of temporary vows and active apostolate, the Sister tests her vocation as a Missionary Sister of the Precious Blood in daily life. After an intense period of preparation and the approval of the community, she makes her vows for life.
Religious life is an ongoing journey, with God and for people. If I listen, if I look, if I accept God's invitation, if I set out on the path with my own personal abilities, I will discover the God-given meaning of my vocation.

Sr. Maria Luise Wagner cps
Kloster Wernberg
Klosterweg 2 / Postfach 5
AT-9241 Wernberg
Tel.: +43 4252.2216 120

Sr. Jacinta Kitonyi cps
Alter Mühlenweg 8
48249 Dülmen-Buldern
Tel.: +43 4252.2216 120

Zr. Madeleine Boumann cps
Missieklooster Hl. Bloed
Klosterdreef 7
Tel.: +43 4252.2216 120